Karaoke |
Karaoke Japanese word for Sing-Along literally meaning “Empty Orchestra” with the lyrics displayed on your TV
screen. All songs are performed in the style of the original artist.
In Karaoke you have the music and backing vocals, while you sing the lead vocal. Don’t know the words? No problem. Karaoke sound tracks allow the lyrics to scroll across the screen of a standard TV.
Looking for Karaoke ?
Don’t look any further; we can provide you with all possible formats like:
DVD Format - Lyrics on blue screen - Lyrics with a video clip - Audio available as complete, playback or multiplex version
CD+G Format - Lyrics on blue screen - Audio available as complete, playback or multiplex version
5” CD+Graphics discs have on screen lyrics over a blue or plain background. They play on CD+Graphics players. Most Karaoke machines e.g.: Arbiter, Singing Machine, Vocopro, etc. use these discs. Some VCD & DVD Players will also play them. They will also play on a normal CD player for use as backing tracks.
Audio CD Format - Audio available as complete, playback or multiplex version
iPod - m4v fi le: Lyrics on blue screen - m4v fi le: Lyrics with a video clip - Audio available as complete, playback or multiplex version
Flashvideo - For integration on websites, games etc.
Custom Burn Programs / Downloads - BIN fi les for CD+G - MPEG fi les for DVD - DIFX fi les for Mediasystems - m4v fi les for iPod
Available for licensing !
You can create your own Karaoke label or add Karaoke product to your existing catalogue.
Currently there are 15.000+ tracks available - weekly updated - based on the World Charts.
For physical product we will supply you with a production master.
Digital distribution will take place from our secured servers.
Karaoke is finally available to everybody !
Contact us to discuss the various possibilities. |